Author: Sanjay Rath

Sanjay Rath (Oriya: ସଞୟ ରଥ) comes from a traditional family of astrologers from Puri, which trace their lineage back to Shri Achyuta Das (Acyutananda). Sanjay Rath uses Bṛhat Parāśara Horāśāstra, Jaimini Upadeśa Sūtra, Bṛhat Jātaka and Kalyāṇavarmā's Sārāvalī as the foundations of Jyotiṣa and teaches from various other Jyotiṣa scripture. His holistic teaching and writings span across various schools of thought, although not creating his own brand of astrology.


Ashwini is the first nakshatra of zodiac having a spread from 0°-0′-0″ to 13°-20′ and ruled by the node Ketu. Entire Ashwini nakshatra falls in the Mesh, which is ruled by the aggressive and fiery planet Mars. Though generally the qualities like aggressiveness are prominent in natives born in this sign and nakshatra, the occurrence of the same may differ according to the quarter occupied by the Moon and the sign occupied by the lord of the nakshatra, Ketu.
Male natives born in this nakshatra have large eyes and a broad forehead. The nose is slightly bigger and longer compared

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Introduction to Navagraha

This preliminary material requires diligent study and includes (1) Names of Navagraha and (2) Slide presentations. The Introduction should be read first and digested before you enter the names. The PDF has the introduction as well, so that you don’t miss anything. The assignment is very straight and those groups who are sharing their workload will finish well.
Slide Presentations
Two slide presentations. Please make sufficient notes and you may not be able to access these slides after a few months

Navagraha#01: Includes an introduction to graha, rashi and nakshatra; the jyotish paradigm, nakshatra, rashi and graha definitions. The last

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Exaltation of Planets

Exaltation & Debility
Know the exact exaltation and debility longitudes of the navagraha. What is the implication of the exaltation of the Sun in the 10th degree of Aries which is Mesha Rashi and Mithuna Navamsha. ‘Mithuna’ becomes the uccha soochaka rashi for the Sun while ‘Dhanus’ becomes the nicha soochaka rashi for Sun. Sun in Gemini navamsa of any sign tends to take the soul (native) towards bhoga/enjoyments which lead it away from emancipation while the Sun in Sagittarius is the reverse. Example President George Bush with Sun in Mithuna and Vivekananda with Sun in Dhanus.
303A Graha

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