Author: Sanjay Rath
Nakṣatra: Lunar Houses of Sidereal Zodiac
Brhat Naksatra $7.53
God has decorated the heavens with constellations like pearls on dark steed. The light of the Sun hides them in the day, and all knowledge of them is divined in the darkens of the night’
…Maharishi Parasara, Rig-Veda
Although we will be giving some basic lessons on Nakṣatra, they cannot substitute the knowledge contained in this book. If you do not have your copy, get one now. It will help you to understand not only the basics of the nakṣatra, but also has many advanced concepts that will not be found in any other book on
Vedic Calendar
Saṁvatsara Purusha
The lessons given in this part are extracts from a forthcoming book on Jyotiṣa by Sanjay Rath. You are not authorized to use this information for any purpose in any literature, course or paper. There will be some more lessons on this topic and will be covered in two months including one on Pañcāṅga: Five Limbs of Time.
VC#01: Saṁvatsara PDF document
Lesson VC#02: Tithi
This lesson should give you a very good understanding of Tithi, the sun-moon angle (actually angular difference). The material given here will not be found in any book available. There is a
Language of Seers
Lesson#03: Language of Seers Part#1
Language of Vedas, Vedāñga Jyotiṣa, Śikṣā – The Language, Chandas – The Rhythm, Vyākaraṇa – Meaningful Word, Nirukta – The Root, Jyotiṣa – The Vision, Kalpa – The Karma
Language of Seers #01
Lesson#04: Language of Seers Part#2
Language of Jyotiṣa, Ṛtu – Season, Definitions, Yuga and Seasons, Weekdays, Vedāñga-ṛtu, Jyotiṣa = Grīṣma ṛtu, Season and Mood, Aśvamedha yajña, The Indologist View, Upadeśa, Dharma, Expansion of the dot, Expansion and contraction, Adding for Weekdays, Deriving the Weekday, Process of adding sounds, Method 1: Sthiti Chakra,(Sustenance), Method 2: Sṛṣṭi Chakra (Creation wheel)
Language of