Author: Sanjay Rath

Sanjay Rath (Oriya: ସଞୟ ରଥ) comes from a traditional family of astrologers from Puri, which trace their lineage back to Shri Achyuta Das (Acyutananda). Sanjay Rath uses Bṛhat Parāśara Horāśāstra, Jaimini Upadeśa Sūtra, Bṛhat Jātaka and Kalyāṇavarmā's Sārāvalī as the foundations of Jyotiṣa and teaches from various other Jyotiṣa scripture. His holistic teaching and writings span across various schools of thought, although not creating his own brand of astrology.

Yuga-Time Cycles

Makara Māsa: 14 Jan – 13 Feb, 2010 |Course starts ☉ Makara saṅkrānti
Lesson#01: Linear and Cycle Time
(1) Classical Greco-Roman Mythology – Greek Mythology : Hesiod, Roman Mythology : Ovid;
(2) Classical Christian Mythology, Vedic Knowledge;
(3) Vedic : Yuga, Yugādi Tithi, Yuga avatāra, Present Kali Yuga, Jyotiṣa Notes;
(4) Scientific Theory;
(5) Symbols : Kāraka; Understanding Age Theories;
Download Yuga-Time Cycles
Essay Type Questions; Appendix-1: Kriyā Yoga School | 100 Marks
Lesson #1: Assignment
Please submit your assignment by uploading it at the Yahoo Group File Area
This highest mantra of Satya Sanatana dharma is the Security Key for

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Foundation of Vedic Astrology

You must read this to get a broad view of Vedic Astrology. It teaches you the foundations on which this vedic science is built. You need to know the 33 deva and understand the expansion of Vasudeva clearly. You need to understand the 8 lights called Asta-Vasu
MP3 Audio files Download

Foundation of Jyotish PDF
You can download three volumes of the teachings pertaining to the Foundation of Vedic Astrology. These are in zip archive and you need Winzip or any such software to extarct them.
Foundation Audiobook Archive

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Prayers for Vedic Learning

In the first year you will learn two main directions of mantras and prayers. One is the worship of Guru and Gaṇeśa, while the second is Narasiṁha sādhanā.
Listening to the Guru vandana improves your brilliance, faith and spirituality. You must be able to recite it. Do this every morning.

Stanza 01
आनन्दमानन्दकरं प्रसन्नम्‌ ज्ञानस्वरूपं निजभावयुक्तम्‌।
योगीन्द्रमीड्यं भवरोगवैद्यम्‌ श्रीमद्गुरुं नित्यमहं नमामि॥
ānandamānandakaraṁ prasannam jñānasvarūpaṁ nijabhāvayuktam |
yogīndramīḍyaṁ bhavarogavaidyam śrīmadguruṁ nityamahaṁ namāmi ||

Stanza 02
गुरुर्ब्रह्मा गुरुर्विष्णुर्गुरुर्देवो महेश्वरः।
गुरुरेव परं ब्रह्म तस्मै श्रीगुरवे नमः॥
gururbrahmā gururviṣṇurgururdevo maheśvaraḥ |
gurureva paraṁ brahma tasmai śrīgurave namaḥ ||

Stanza 03
अज्ञानतिमिरान्धस्य ज्ञानाञ्जनशलाकया।
चक्षुरुन्मीलितं येन

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