Question-Answer #01


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Additional Lessons

Before we begin, we need to study a few sources to understand the importance of Maharṣi Parāśara. The first Lesson in this group was prepared for another course and the original word document is lost. I hope some of you can preserve these file for posterity. There is a nice description of the life and times of Parāśara.

Note: These Lessons were taught for the Brhaspati Jyotish Program and some of you may have alrady learnt them. I want to ensure that all students are on the same footing for this course. There are some more lessons in

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Jyotiṣa Scope

In this lesson we learn about what is vedāñga jyotiṣa and its scope.
Vedāñga Jyotiṣa
Objective of the lesson is to know how big is this subject and to realize that jyotiṣa is as vast as the universe. Everything that is created finds its place in symbols and significations. Please take a printout of the slides and keep them with you while listening to this lecture so that you can make notes immediately as you go through the slides. Let me give you an example of a student who got into a detailed discussion with a pandit and later

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